Business Start Ups
It’s always an exciting time when you are in the early stages of starting up a new business and there is so much to think about to get the company up and running. You might have had a long time working for someone else but life is about to get a lot more complicated now that you are the boss.
It’s very important that you get the basics right so that you can give yourself a good chance of not only getting off the ground but actually staying in business beyond your first year. The statistics show that many new companies fall by the wayside in that first year so it is a very good idea to take advantage of some expert advice on all the important things that you need to know. Pros Assist are there to give you all the help you need.
Your first concern is the structure of your new business. Are you going it alone or maybe taking on a partner or two? Much will depend on the nature of what you do of course but it’s important to get the guidelines sorted out from the very start. Once that is done don’t forget the taxman! From maybe being an employee you are now self-employed and you will need to follow the Self-Assessment route from now on to keep your HMRC affairs in order. The VAT rules may well be completely new to you as well and Pros Assist are fully qualified to explain all that to you.
Finally, you might need a little guidance on making contact with not only fellow business people in a similar line of work as yourself but the banks and solicitors all standing by to manage your affairs for you. A business account is quite different to your personal account and Pros Assist will be happy to guide you through all the arrangements that have to be made. With all this behind you there is every chance of a successful launch for your new venture.