
Starting a Great Business with Great Assistance.

In running a business, it is not enough to just market and sell products or services. There are several rules in the business world that you must follow in order to prosper; especially, for newcomers. It is critical for new business people to understand the rules that apply, to run their business effectively. New business […]

Pros Assist invited to join Handpicked Accountants

The whole team at Pros Assist are thrilled to announce our inclusion on Handpicked Accountants, a new initiative based in London, backed by leading professional services company, Begbies Traynor. Handpicked Accountants was set up to provide business owners and individuals alike a platform through which to find the right accountant for them. Customers can search […]

5 Tax return errors made by small businesses

According to HMRC, tax doesn’t have to be taxing – but sometimes, unfortunately, it is. Running a small business can be incredibly tough and gathering all the information needed to file your taxes at the end of the tax year can be a draining and difficult process for all involved. We are, ultimately, only human, […]

Will Brexit Affect Our Taxes?

Now that the dust has settled on the referendum results there have been many words spoken by many experts regarding the potential pros and cons of what it all means for Britain. But one of the things which many people want to know is – how will the result affect them and their finances personally. […]

The Most Important Changes To This Year’s Personal Tax

Tax season is a stressful time that often leaves one wanting to put their head in the sand. So much paperwork, looming deadlines and the constant changes and confusion surrounding doing your taxes are enough to scare anyone off, however, it is a necessary evil. Knowledge is power, so we have put together a list […]

How an accountant can help your business

Firstly, ask yourself, why do I need an accountant? You may have recently started up a new business either as a sole trader or a partnership, or have incorporated a company. You may have rental income from properties. You may have made a capital gain from selling a property. You may have foreign income that […]

Checking your payslip for errors

I always get told by people that they think ‘they are being taxed too much’ and the ‘employer is taking too much of their money’. It is the employers’ responsibility to pay HM Revenue & Customs the tax and National Insurance Contributions due by the employees. But it is the employees’ responsibility to inform HM […]

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