
5 Tax return errors made by small businesses

According to HMRC, tax doesn’t have to be taxing – but sometimes, unfortunately, it is. Running a small business can be incredibly tough and gathering all the information needed to file your taxes at the end of the tax year can be a draining and difficult process for all involved. We are, ultimately, only human, […]

SME’s – How to Ensure You’re Registered Correctly

Setting up a brand new business can be a little daunting and whether you’re setting up as a sole trader, partnership or limited company it helps enormously to have the right advice on board. Businesses small and large can sometimes struggle within the first few months and this can often be down to not following […]

HMRC To Crack Down On “Cottage Industries”

Whilst the UK Government provides much support for entrepreneurs and self-employed businesses, there are some that aren’t towing the line. It seems that across a number of industries, there are instances where “cottage industries” are being set up to take advantage of subcontracting work and avoiding paying the right amount of tax. This is something […]

Self Assessment – Why do we Pay On Account?

Whether you are self employed or employed and receiving untaxed income, you would have had to, at some point, file a Self Assessment Tax Return, or atleast sign one that was prepared by your accountant. Within the UK, there are set deadlines for when you have to pay your taxes by to H M Revenue […]

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